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Alvin Lucillo

DB and productivity upgrade

/ 1 min read

💻 Tech

When planning a DB upgrade, we should consider at least the following:

  1. Does the new version require encryption? Encryption can be in transit or at rest — both have different implications (e.g., latency, cost, etc.).
  2. Is it a major or minor version upgrade? Major version upgrades usually have breaking changes. Minor version upgrades usually have bug fixes and new features. This may affect the timing, scope, and cost of the upgrade since an upgrade may require code changes.

💪 Productivity

Consider a task, habit, or food that gives you pleasure to be a reward after a task you’ve been having traction with. For example, if you feel excited when scrolling through social media, and you need to finish reading a chapter of a book, do the latter first. This requires self-awareness as you need to know what drives your pleasure.