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Alvin Lucillo

Resolve WSL minikube helm install error

/ 1 min read

💻 Tech

If you have a new WSL instance with minikube installed, and you can’t run a helm install, it can be a configuration error related to networking. Here’s an example error:

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed pre-install: 1 error occurred:

First, you need to check the logs of the pod related to the release. You can do this by running:

kubectl logs -n your-namespace your-pod-name

If you see ImagePullBackOff status, it means the pod couldn’t pull the image. Try to execute this command to see if you can pull the same image inside minikube VM:

minikube ssh
docker pull your-image

If you can’t pull the image, it might be a network issue. One that worked for me is to modify /etc/resolv.conf to use Google’s DNS servers:

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Add these lines:
